Boswellia dalzielii: Superior Harvest

Boswellia dalzielii: Superior Harvest


This is a single vial of a superior-grade harvest that is rare to source.

Boswellia dalzielii (Hano or Harrabi) NE Nigeria

The finest shipment of this West African species to date. It is a clean assortment containing larger tears and a mix of the rarer green pieces—both light and dark. It was collected by the Hausa speaking people who source it from the most western latitude of the "Boswellia Belt," which runs from the Ivory Coast to the eastern Horn of Africa, through Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, and into India. Though dalzielii isn't commercially recognized, the bark has been used traditionally to help wounds, arthritis, gastrointestinal issues, and venereal illnesses. The locals use tears for chewing gum and incense, but it is ideal for other concoctions as well. Recently it's been recognized to have the highest levels of boswellic acids of all the species.

Burn profile: Orange leaning citrus notes blended with mint and earthy undertones.

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Boswellia spp.

A brief overview of the frankincense family: There are approximately 20 species of this incense tree & around 12 are commercially valuable. The oleoresin is prized for high boswellic acids & aroma. Uses date back to 1500 BC. The classic species are sourced in the dry season after sections of bark are scarred to induce a gummy weep. Solidified drops, or tears, are often indigenously collected & harvests are regularly sorted by color, shape, & size. Sustainability concerns are at a heightened state due to the age of essential oils & a misunderstanding of the oleoresin properties. Boswellia essential oil is marketed for perfumery & therapeutic properties, but when the resins are distilled health benefits are lost as the boswellic acids are discarded. Often, sustainable resin is what is needed, not essential oil.

Medical Disclaimer: TGH expertise lies in incense making and fragrance. All information provided is solely for educational purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Contraindications may exist. Consult expert medical advice before use. Use at your own risk. Keep away from children & pets.

Recommended Use: Burn these resin tears on top of charcoal that sits inside a dish or traditional burner. It is easiest if you use incense tongs to handle the charcoal. Uses and tools can be found here.

Amounts of resin in photographs have not been weighed & do not reflect amounts that will be received.

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